What Is Leaky Gut?


A healthy gut contains trillions of beneficial microbes – collectively called the microbiome – that play a critical role in protecting the integrity of the mucosal barrier lining the gut wall. These microbes produce byproducts that reduce intestinal inflammation and repair tight junctions holding the intestinal cells together. The microbiome is delicate ecosystem; disrupting this balance allows for overgrowth of harmful pathogens (bacteria, fungus, parasites) and toxins that destroy the mucosal barrier.

Restoring the microbiome is key to reversing a leaky gut. At the foundation of all our leaky gut protocols is MegaSporeBiotic. This probiotic is unlike any other because it utilizes bacillus spores that not only survive the harsh digestive environment, but RECONDITION the gut by increasing microbial diversity, crowding out unwanted pathogens, and increasing the production of short-chain fatty acids!